Love handles, muffin top, inner tube. Whatever you call it, crunches won’t fix it.

Have you seen this?

Image result for workout for love handles


or maybe this?



Image result for workout for love handles


or even this?


Image result for workout for love handles


The problem with info graphics like these is that they lead you to believe that you can target your fat and blast it off your body. They say “all you need are a few specific workouts that focus on the problem area and you are good to go”. This is a problem because it simply isn’t true.

To understand why you have to have a basic understanding of fat and muscle.

Fat is oily or greasy matter making up the bulk of adipose tissue. Some fat is good for the body for lining organs and other tissue matter however most fat in the average body is excess. Fat is created from excess calories that have been stored for use as energy by the body. Fat stores are only used in very specific times of need as it is a more challenging for the body to process and convert this to energy than to use sugars readily available in the blood stream. This is why a healthy diet is SO SO SO important for maintaining a healthy weight as you do not want to encourage the body to store large amounts of excess fat.

Muscle is a band or bundle of fibrous tissue in a human or animal body that has the ability to contract, producing movement in or maintaining the position of parts of the body. Your muscle can be strengthened, toned, and developed to improve overall strength of the muscle and visual look.

So here is the difference.

How do you strengthen, tone, and develop your muscles? By doing those exercises you see in the info graphics above.

How does your body have the energy to complete those activities? By using available sugars in your bloodstream to power and energize your muscles. When your body is triggered to it will start to BREAK DOWN YOUR FAT STORES to use that energy to power your muscles.

Can you target a muscle? YES. You can target what muscle group you work and focus on strengthening or toning that muscle. You can focus on core, upper body, and lower body or get even more specific to smaller muscle groups.

Can you target what fat stores your body uses? NO. That’s a big gigantic NO. The body decides what to break down and use when.

Moral of the story here?

Focus on exercising and eating healthy and the rest will come. If your goal is weight loss then it’s best to focus on creating a calorie deficit, burning more calories during the day than what you consume, to encourage your body to use fat stores as energy and to not create additional stores.

Don’t be surprised that you lose fat in your breasts before you do around your waist. Your body just has a sense of humour like that 😉 Image result for the awkward yeti body is funny


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